ok well, this post is all going to be about me.
egoistic me.
you might think that i will say happy things....but the fact is, all of this seems tragic to me. oh so very tragic.
so let me put it in a boy girl situation you might understand better.
Girl meets Boy,
Boy meets Girl,
both become friends
both left unsure of it all.
Boy tests Girl
Boy: Lets play dare! You know you can't back out la sey. This once je. i know you always change topic when it's daring time. wuss!Girl: (laughs) OK! I'm a wuss! hahaha ok i go first! the first person you see when you open your eyes, you ask for the person's number. No matter boy or girl. Go.___Boy: Ok done. Easy sey! I know i hot, thts y they give me their number. (laughs)Girl: (makes trumpet sound)Boy: Ok-ok my turn!... Do you like me?... Like me like me?...Girl: WHAT? i thought this was a dare?Boy: shut up la. If you like me then give me 1 minute. if you don't then you should change your fb status to you know i know la kan, you relationship virgin.Girl: (thinking) Until when?Boy: Just until Sunday. That is when the magic works.________