NAS IS BACK TO BLOGGER TOO!i say welcome to myself, for coming back to this blog. technically, i was never dead in the first place, just break time.let's just say right now i've parts that i've screwed up my business for instance, i've hit a pothole!i'm lucky it is not a big one. but i thank god for letting me rectify my mistake before it really got out of hand.well in one of my business policy, if i encounter any defects in the goods, i will replace it. it is stated in my (clap for me!) contract.i'm just going to tell everyone that i have an LJ account.nassiepoko.livejournal.comno more hiding!but since i'm back to using blogger, i guess my LJ would host some stuffs.i'm back to formulate a proposal.and more business opportunities!and rmb! watch this space!Labels: I SAY WELCOME TO MYSELF