save me from my sorrow

i've been busy
i've been home
i've been empty
i've felt useless
i've felt unwanted
i've been missing peoplewhat i felt for the past month, is listed there. but what wasn't listed...i'm happy now.i've to dedicate this to all my friends. for they missed me so, as i do miss them. makes me wonder, why i have doubted my existence all along. gaga is on the way to recovery, thank god. i will pray that he will have the strength to carry through this for both of them. he too has helped me in gaining back my sanity. for mentally i had brokedown in mawai. thanks. FarLOL, Jenny, Fikri, Andric is a force to be reconned with. 1 semester and we're already like this. what more after graduation? i already miss everyone, yep including you(who is reading this). ily.