i'm not regretting

hello, it has certainly been awhile.
see a formal greeting! lols, so not me.
thank god for my friends. thank god for all my new friends.
i see that yum had tagged my board. darn it for trying not to make my blog invisible. but i don't believe in making it private.
(if not what are secret diaries for?)
okay so the question one of my friend asked me, "if you could change time, would you?".
tht is one question i will always have no clue. but i know i won't change a thing. because everything has its own place and time. even certain events that you hate the most. it's not about regret, it is about accepting the reality.
having the talk just now, the confession, was worth it. just one thing i ask myself now....
"am i what i am right now?or am i in the wrong section?"
if you get my drift. i'm-half-boy-half-girl.(by personality anyway)
this is to all wangsa people whom reads my blog if have any...thank you for making me feel welcomed in the world of malay dancing. i have no background in malay.d but you guys make my trips as a reserve worth coming for.i used to hate malay.d. but knowing you guys, has made me think twice. i loved the dance, i loved being a reserve, i got to watch you guys perform most times. a job well done for you guys. for heritage, i've been to most of the rehersals, and even if there was the screw ups on the day itself, i think you guys were great, i'll probably not regret my stay in SSP.