firstly! HAPPY BIRTHDAY anthonytanchucksumbo(Anthony Utama Suck SOme Balls??) i seriously don't know!!!!
2ndly!!!:erin i still finding the clicky thing...i try tonight alright?
okay so now for the long awaited postages!!!!
so what happened in my life recently?
this totally rocks man! i went for the training yesterday, and well, i loved it, it was super fun!!!
i totally cannot wait to but my booties! (cue for* apple bottom jeans! boots with the fur!)
but what do i do with boots with the fur? nothing!
teehees peep! i currently have so many ices and inow have to sew some thing for the final product which i totally want man!!!! it's a T-square portable duo bag!!! for my t-board!!!
haha. it would be a total success if i could handle it in the mrt without getting it ripped. THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!
see these pictures i seriously love them!!! i took these in a span of a few days mind you....