see how bored i am at home doing nothing but play on the laptop and cleaning and printing photos out!!!!!! this is totally cool can!!!

hehe so cool!!!! i love doing nothing but making fun of myself!!!!kidding, i'm SUPER bored!!!

super cool batu pose!!! batu in malay means rock, and thts my horns peeps!!! show me some love!!!

stacks of printed photos waiting to be delivered to the left:gaga, sam,gary bottom left: cassie, nas, iffa

trapped in a matrix world where i have so stupidly surrender to forces of my webcam!!!
now goodbye peeps i'm off to go and dance out of boredom, have to realease energy somewhere right.... u bastards! u actually want me to go take more pics and make fun of myself? go do it urself!
p.s. i still love you guys im not mad!