Eh guys from DLA!!!
we rock man! cassandra! yifa!(hehe, i know its iffa), gary! sam! gaga! we rock man!
okay i rock but you guys are rocker's accomplice, I LOVE PEACE!!!! SHIMS I LIKE!!!!(cept unoehu, iffa dont tell) we had loads of fun today right babes?sorry, mates!!!!
cassandra, u have a very contagious laughter!!! ur tee rocks man! mon suxs!
we super noisy in the com lab and kanna shushed by the lecturer many times!...
but my work space is like super not cool, no u guys for me to disturb...wahahaha!!! all boring!!1 but we'll have lunches together right? and breakfast and dinner and wadever we feel like!!
we take loads of photo's can? my blog is begining to rot like banana's...
forgot to take pics in the BE clubie! and forgot to take RAMBUTANS pics...
hehe, famous cherry is here...skye tnx ah for teaching me tht dirty forfeit, its stuck in my head now!!!! WATERMELON WATERMELON!!!
okay okay i will post some pics 2mr cos we rock! (correction, i rock!) ur my accomplices!!!