Friday, April 04, 2008
B.E SPIRIT EVERLASTING!!!! B.E be the best camp ever!BEST CAMPERS AND BEST GL's!To: GL's Skye a.k.a Sun/Squirrel and Amirah a.k.a Stoner!!!thanks for the wonderful 4 days while we were at the camp! we had a blast! together with Barbarossa, we were cool and hip, but not the strongest groups out of all, but we were tight yaw!!! Mummy even loves us all! hehe, lets do the Yi Han pose! so vouge!lets give three cheers to the GL's of the camp! Hip Hip HOrray! Horray! Horray!!!!Three cheers for three cheers to the OC's Hip Hip Horray!! Horray! Horay!!but most of all we campers rock the house man! sing along the coastline cos we're cool!!!EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!!!B.E SPIRIT! EVERLASTING!!!to our buddy group, Peter Blood we love you guys!!!!