muffins wonderful muffins for my lovely you love you long time babes! this cakes i give to you
of course not all but i gave you some....i especially like the ones with white choc chips cas they are sweeter the second one is the double chocolate nutella muffin a.k.a DUO DELUXE...... last time i made some sweet mirange, but sadly i nvr took photos of it....but muffins look way better in photos, scrumpdidilumptous!!!!!

super messy counter top in the kitchen,whoa babes choco explosion.....please dont mind the ketchup on the right corner there it has nothing to do with muffins....i swear.

hehe add a little milk won't hurt wldn't it? its part of the recipe anyway...

hehe fee efie is crying sadly on the floor at the sight of my lah i went out with them....gave them muffins....HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIRAH!!!!!this blog is for you the entry i mean.
oh my god i really missed my old pals loads man, it was sad that we didnt go to the same school, but if we did i would not be the same wouldnt i, i'd probably turned out differently and know different people.
fee efie tried to avoid the camera but failed miserably cos she only covered her eyes from the camera! so cute, you made me laugh loads babe! reminisce the past we did and i loved the moments i forgot....see you on saturday ! basketball and badminton to keep fee....

posted by nαsuhαα
entry: muffins for my Patissier