Missed them loads since yesterday! Salvia u noe,ur like so cute, still so small. The bike ppl say u look so cute. Yep at kit runners.Too bad they nvr give u discount on the bike! lol...won't tht be cool ! lol...both my tees were wet, got home with syaf to a wet seat bus to toa payoh....Syaf went to my house later that night to go do somth. I stayed up till 4;45 with her b4 taking a 15 min nap. lol...i'll miss all of u guys u noe tht.
Erny went back to indo tht morning, couldn't say final goodbye but then again, i think i'd better not. I'l cry when she cries!

we took this at the jetty. self timered it. wished selvia was here, this was another one we took but with selvia init like last yers gathering... see the difference, and goshddd...i miss them all!

Must make sure we all gather back again soon...like next year?

it was never too late to say that i'll miss you when all i do is avoid the actual truth, sometimes not letting go was the easier choice of both losing it.-nasuha hamdi