In love
When you are together withthatspecial someone, you pretend to ignorethat person. But when that specialsomeone is not around, you might lookaround to find them.At that moment, YOU ARE IN LOVE.
Although there is someone else whoalways makes you laugh, your eyes andattention might go only to thatspecial someone.Then, YOU ARE IN LOVE.
Although that special someone wassupposed to have called you long back,to let you know of their safe arrival,your phone is quiet. You aredesperately waiting for the call!At that moment, YOU ARE IN LOVE.
If you are much more excited for oneshort e-mail from that special someonethan other many long e-mails,YOU ARE IN LOVE.
When you find yourself as one whocannot erase all the emails or SMSmessages in your phone because of onemessage from that special someone, YOUARE IN LOVE.
When you get a couple of free movietickets, you would not hesitate tothink of that special someone.Then, YOU ARE IN LOVE.
You keep telling yourself, "thatspecial someone is just afriend, butyou realize that you can not avoidthat person's special attraction. Atthat moment, YOU ARE IN LOVE.
While you are reading this, if someoneappears in your mind, then YOU ARE INLOVE
with that person...<3