lets play
tic tack toe.....lol nvr in the right mind aye. well today is my fathers burfday and loads of others on my firends list. damn...loads of them...okay well only abt 3....thts alot right? i did study for my chemistry today.So yea.i did try to improve my grades(*winks). i went out with jonahh and lexis a while to the library b4 buying chilli crab for ABAH(*drum rolls).They are so funny.lame i guess. well jonahh was wearing this huge jumper that belonged to lexis.from far i tot she was lexis. LOLlexis...yea u have grown thinner....SRY JON. its not too late for me rite? tokeep check of myself. i feel tall but i am not tall.i feel Stumpy.i think. Well then i forgot to lend JOn my books cos i totally forgot about it.
i did recieve a good comment from my friend SYAF.she told me that my compositions are good but i just don't know how to write it properly. My vocabulary is fine. My ideas are fine. Its just lacking an
OMPHS....yeah the
GREAT OMPHS......tnx syaf....
i cleaned my stupid room today....looks much more spacious now.and my bear is much more hip. hes wearing my oversized jock jacket now.looks more like a strap jacket. okay...my blog is booooring you right...i noe..so i guess i'll end it here. NIGHTS =)