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Monday, August 21, 2006

wad im thinking..

knowing tht sumtimes i feel scared for tht wad i have or might feel for you. i know tht everytime i see you, i question myself why?why must you be tht guy i have fallen for.

i could have chosen anyone else bt you, bt my heart tells me not to.
a decision i put myself to answer.an answer so deep, its painful.
my wound tht has no end to its cut and a hole tht never closes.
a heart tht opens to others needs more than mine, eyes tht see beyond tht horizon, and a voice tht has no melody,

breaking from this strings attached the whole world becomes a stage,
to My Mr.Puppeteer who won't let me go, from this freedom i will not hold, any longer.

so play me a tune.

no holes barred

Saturday, August 19, 2006
i saw him again

u rmb the guy i said i saw everydae in the bus the last tyme...well he wasn't there for a long time, and i became quite dissapointed. then i saw him again recently...well so cute...
bt i didn't really care bt i noe tht he is...i wanna be frens with him bt wat is gurl to do if she has no power against wat others sae...let them be bt i dun get hopes to high...history will repeat itself....


Sunday, August 06, 2006
the guy BoiDexter-z

Photographs taken of Singapore, Esplanade woo hoo.i went to take da photo when i went to do IPW project there's more bt i think its enough foran introduction.
however my favourite one is this one where there is the merlion at the corner..i find it very captivating. i know this is boring bt in case i get bored-er i better do something resourcefull or nice...i already tried drawing and of course it went well bt look its better to explore surroundings and other types of art..like photography
and hello there THE RED PEACH GALLERY. stunning architechture and preserved culture bt look its a cafe not a pawn shop...how times have changed
the red dot museum...located near maxwell road...i went here alone...and did u know tht at maxwell food court they sell some mean ice kacang? i think its an old man tt sells durian and strawberry ice kacang...it was shiok man...like i loved it...although i had my doubts...
an allleyway at chinatown located next to the heritage board thingy.. it captivated me and guess wat i took a pic of it of course...i don't like taking foto's of myself as i think tht i look ugly init...i am not exactly sure of myself am i...nvrm..i love this photo's vibe...

i am insane now as i am really bored and wat am i aable to do bt blog or chat or draw or watever lah...
i think i get sick of this...2dae might be the most post day i will ever get in one day...
after this i will post a lot more...man am i wonked...not a real word bt wat the heck...

i am so wonked


the guy l saw no longer there


i guess sometimes life just doesn't play it my way...
i nvr gt to see him again bt no one noes tht...
i don' see him ride the bus again and well...i wonder...
i nvr got to say anything...
and now i forgot.
well happie burfdae to all those who are born todae...
everydae is something new...
